From the 70
more than 200.000 pianos in the world
have been playing with a Ciresa soundboard.
About 60.000 of them are recognizable by the trademark and registration number impressed on the wood, as well as the Certificate of Origin that guarantees the tonewood’s quality.
After 30 years of presence in the international piano industry, the Ciresa brand is appreciated and acknowledged by musicians and piano technicians all over the world.
The tonewood processed at the Ciresa’s factory in Tesero (1.000 mt.a.s.l) comes from the forests of the Fiemme Valley and is selected from logs of spruce with regular grain and particular characteristics suited for the production of musical instruments. The planks are naturally seasoned on the timber yards nearby the factory for more than one year ,while the planks sawn and reserved for the Ciresa Company at the sawmills are seasoned for approximately 8 months before being carefully selected by our personnel.
The raw planks are then sawn in smaller planks of 10- mm. thickness. They are then kiln-dried in a high technological box where the small planks are heat treated at low temperatures for long periods in order not to damage the precious wood.
Afterwards the planks are visually inspected one by one by expert craft men and cleaned from knots, flaws and all other defects. The same skill is necessary for the composition of the soundboards to match the grain, the colour and the quality of the planks, in order to meet the customers’ technical and aesthetical requirements.
The particular gluing method, conceived by Enrico Ciresa, guarantees a perfect mechanical holding of the planks and after 50 years of use states its structural validity.
The accurate finishing of the soundboard, requested by the customers on their technical data, is carried out using a modern sanding machine. The result is very precise, as the final thickness on piano soundboards is comprised between 9.0 and 6.6 mm.
For the production of ribs for pianos and bass-bars for string instruments we select spruce planks with specific grain characteristics for the aim. These planks are first cut in raw bars with a standard size of 28,5 x 29 mm. and then they are processed for every piano model and set.
L’accurata produzione e la qualità delle nostre tavole è stata confermata da grandi produttori di pianoforti, quali la ditta Fazioli e la tedesca C. Bechstein, come si può evincere dalle loro lettere di apprezzamento.
È molto importante ricordare che il corretto mantenimento del pianoforte in un ambiente controllato evita danni strutturali allo strumento ed in particolare alla tavola armonica, che è l’elemento più delicato e debole dell’intero corpo sonoro. La ditta Ciresa è stata citata da Dampp-Chaser come consulente di riferimento nella loro pubblicità per l’utilizzo della loro apparecchiatura.
C. Bechstein – Germany
Bechstein Europe – Czech Republic
J. Blüthner – Germany
Fazioli – Italy
A. Förster – Germany
Petrof – Czech Republic
Pleyel – France
C. Sauter – Germany
Schulze-Pollmann – Italy
©2022 All rights reserved | Enrico Ciresa S.r.l. | Vat number 00358200228